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Evenheat Ceramics Kilns

Evenheat Ceramics and Pottery Kilns

Here you will find high quality Eveheat kilns for pottery and ceramics. Sheffield Pottery is an authorized retailer of Evenheat kilns. Order yours here on sale with free shipping to the contiguous lower 48 states*

Evenheat Ceramics and Pottery Kiln HF 2327

*Free shipping to most places in the lower 48 and includes residential and lift-gate delivery. Learn more

Evenheat Ceramics Kilns

Evenheat Ceramics and Pottery Kilns

Here you will find high quality Eveheat kilns for pottery and ceramics. Sheffield Pottery is an authorized retailer of Evenheat kilns. Order yours here on sale with free shipping to the contiguous lower 48 states*
Evenheat Ceramics and Pottery Kiln HF 2327*Free shipping to most places in the lower 48 and includes residential and lift-gate delivery.
Choose Evenheat Kilns : Always an innovator, Evenheat Kilns are expertly made and designed with your needs in mind.
There are five families of Evenheat Ceramics Kilns :
- RMII Digital Automatic Cone 8 2.5" Brick.
- High Fire 3" Brick Digital Automatic Kilns
- Evolution Series Square Kilns
- Classic Series : Manual Kiln Sitter Cone 8 Kilns
- Crossover / Special Kilns : For Glass, PMC, Ceramics, and Vitrigraph

Evenheat digital kilns in the High-Fire, RM, and Evolution Square Series can be ordered with your choice of digital controller

Set-Pro the economical 3 key controller with all the features of more expensive units: Available on smaller kiln models only.
RM3 Third generation12 key controller : classic, easy to use, always reliable.
...or choice of two state-of-the-art Touchscreen controllers :
by Bartlett maker of the V6CF now adapted for touch screen capabilities.
TAP the most versatile touch-screen kiln controller on the market.

Evenheat Ceramics and Pottery Kilns Features:
Full Stainless Jacket, Dyna-lift easy opening Lids, swing away peep hole covers, multi-zone control, wide and comfortable handles.

Optional upgrades include the controller upgrades, furniture kits, and Quiet Drive Solid State Relays.
Evenheat Ceramics Kilns


Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.