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Forge Building Materials

DIY Metal Smith Forge Building Materials

Many people are building backyard forges for recovering metals, black-smithing, knife and sword making etc. Learn more

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Forge Building Materials

DIY Metal Smith Forge Building Materials

Many people are building backyard forges for recovering metals, black-smithing, knife and sword making etc.

There are many designs for these small forges. They are commonly propane fired but there are designs for coal and other fuels.

Important note: Our specialty is ceramics, not forge building: We have all of the materials you might need but it is important that you do your research on what you want to build.

Most designs incorporate a combination of Hardbrick fire bricks, IFB : Insulating firebricks and other materials.

A typical design may be essentially a soft brick box with hard brick protecting the floor.

Other people use the castable refractory mortar and pour that into a form to create the hot box.

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You must call 24 hours in advance of your visit to pickup clay, shelves, bricks and other raw materials

Quantity discounts and Bulk available.
Please call to order large quantities. 888.774-2529


Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.