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3M PAPR Powerd Air Purifying Resipators, Willson / Survivair Dual Cartridge Respirator Systems and Dust Masks

Here you can order online: 3M PAPR powered air-purifying respirators, PAPR masks, dust masks, respirators and replacement cartridges and filters for Dual Cartridge Respirators.

We offer the Dual Cartridge Mask Respirators in two configurations as well as PAPR respirator kits.

Vapor Rated: The Vapor rated filters are for VOC such as paint and lacquer type fumes.

Hepa Rated: Choose this for any dust such as clay, dry chemicals etc

We also offer the replacement cartridges, prefilters, filter covers, face pieces for the older Wilson respirators. See Wilson Replacement Parts Willson/Survivair Hepa Filter Respirator,Vapor Filter Respirator,dust masks

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Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.