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Alpine Ball Mills


The Alpine® Ball Mills have been improved with a dual drive system. Now, both rollers on the ball mill are powered so that no matter how much or how little weight is in the jar, it will not slip or stall, but will continue to turn and refine your glaze materials whether refining or reclaiming hard and lumpy glazes. Three sizes are available. For the small or medium sized ceramic department or studio, the JM4 features a double deck design making it possible to roll four or more jars at once. For those whose average requirements are less, the JM1 or JM2 may be appropriate. The JM2 is capable of milling two 3 gallon jars or smaller and the JM1 handles one 3 gallon jar or smaller. All models feature center to center adjustment of roller shafts permitting the rolling of various size jars with the greatest efficiency. Fixed speed: jar turns at 37RPM.

JM1: 15"W x 30"L x 21"H
JM2: 20"W x 55"L x 28" H
JM4: 20"W x 55"L x 48"H

Cat. No. Description Shipping Weight
ALPJM1 115VAC 1 ph., 1/4HP, 3.2amps 100 lbs.
ALPJM2 115VAC 1 ph., 1/2HP, 2.7amps 175 lbs.
ALPJM4 115VAC 1 ph., 1/3HP, 2.7amps 250 lbs.

ALPINE Porcelain Jars & Pebbles for Ball Mill

Hard porcelain jars are designed for smooth rotation on the ball mill rollers. Porcelain pebbles (ALPFLPEB) Porcelain Pebbles are available in a diameter of approximately 1/2" as grinding media.

Jar Capacity Shipping Weight Recommended Pounds Pebbles/Jar
ALPBMJAR2QT 2 quart jar 8 lbs. 5 lbs
ALPBMJAR1GAL 1 gallon jar (5 qt.) 13 lbs. 10 lbs
ALPBMJAR3GAL 3 gallon jar 30 lbs. 30 lbs

Freight, F.O.B. Sturtevant, WI 53177.
NOTE: To prevent damage, 3 gallon jar must ship via truck.
Minimum charge for truck shipment is 100 lb. rate.
Alpine Ball Mills

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Alpine Ball Mills


Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.