Kentucky/ Tennessee Ball Clay, KT 1-4
From Digital Fire:
A coarse-grained, fast casting Ball Clay used in all types of casting applications, but primarily used in artware. It is a blend containing mostly SGP#1 and some OM#4. It is blended to specification (thus the blend is adjusted as the constituents vary to maintain physical properties). KT1-4 is slightly less plastic than CDI blend, but more plastic and thus less sensitive to deflocculants than SGP.
Physical Properties
Water of Plasticity*: 37.0%
pH: 4.4
C.E.C., meq/100g: 11.0
Specific Surface Area, sq metre/g: 24.4
Soluble sulfur+: Low
P.C.E.: 32
Particle Size, Microns: 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.2
(% finer than) 99% 97% 93% 81% 72% 56% 35%
Fired Properties
Cone 5 10
Total Shrinkage: 13.0% 14.5%
Absorption: 10.0% 1.0%
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