Trim Gin SB90 Potter's Throwing Rib by Peter Callas

6.5" Stiff Spring Brass
This is a very heavy duty brass potters rib. This one was designed by Peter Callas for Peter Voulkos.
It is a great rib great for making big pots!
Full line of Peter Callas: Pottery Making Ribs:
This item does not include all the ribs shown right : just the one numbered above>
SS101: 3.75" Flexible Stainless Steel
SS102: 4.75" Flexible Stainless Steel
SS103: 6.875"Flexible Stainless Steel
SS302: 4" Very Flexible Stainless Steel
SB90: 6.5" Stiff Spring Brass
Made in the USA
Exclusive Lifetime Warranty
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