We have taken the most requested options from our customers and had Olympic Kilns design and manufacture these kiln packages according to our specifications. These packages are a great way to get into a big kiln without breaking the bank!These are commercial grade front-loading electric kilns. These packages include kiln vent and shelf kit and more!
Shown: below right: FL53 as a car kiln.
Any Olympic commercial electric kiln can be built as a car kiln. Please contact us for a quote.
These kilns are customizable to fit through your doorways.
All of the following features are included in each kiln:
- 6.5 inches total insulation: 4.5” Brick walls, 1” Air, 1” Insulating Board.
- Dual zone electronic controller
- Two thermocouples with protection tubes
- Orton Kiln mount ventilation system, installed on kiln.
- Stainless Steel exterior
- Door and Floor Elements
- Furniture Kit includes shelves and posts for four layers
- Temperature Range: 0-2350˚F (cone 10)

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